General Tryout Information
What time should I arrive at tryouts?
Arrive at least 30 minutes before the start time to allow for check-in and warm-up.
How do I check in?
On the first day of tryouts, visit the registration table to receive your tryout number and shirt.
Will I use the same tryout number for all sessions?
Yes, the tryout shirt you receive includes your number and must be worn at every tryout session. If selected for the final team, you will continue using the same shirt during the season.
Where should I go after registering?
After check-in, leave your bag in the designated area and proceed to the assigned warm-up area.
Should I bring a soccer ball?
Yes, bring a properly inflated ball appropriate for your age group.
Should I wear a specific shirt?
Yes, wear the tryout shirt provided at your first session to all subsequent tryouts.
Will water be provided?
No, water will not be provided. Please arrive hydrated and bring enough water for your hydration breaks.
When do goalkeepers try out?
Goalkeepers will try out with their age group alongside specialized goalkeeper coaches.
Stage 1 Tryouts
Do I need to attend all four tryouts in Stage 1?
It is highly recommended to attend all four tryouts to maximize your chances of being selected.
Do I need to inform NJYS if I cannot attend a tryout?
No, it is not necessary to notify NJYS if you miss a tryout.
Do I need to check in at every tryout?
No, once you have your tryout shirt, simply wear it to the field; additional check-ins are not required.
When will I know if I made it to Stage 2?
Notifications will be sent via email by mid-August for players invited to Stage 2 tryouts.
Stage 2 Tryouts
When are Stage 2 tryouts?
Stage 2 tryouts will be held on August 16th and 17th. The schedule will be available under the "ODP Tryouts" tab.
Do I need to be invited to Stage 2?
Yes, only players who are selected during Stage 1 will be invited to participate in Stage 2.
Selection for ODP
When will I be notified if I made the ODP team?
You will receive an email notification by mid-September if you are selected for your age group pool.
Where can I find the ODP schedule for 2025/2026?
Schedules will be posted on our website in the coming months.
Where are ODP training sessions held?
Training sessions will take place in Central Jersey.
Is attendance required for all ODP events?
Yes, we expect selected players to fully commit to the program and attend all scheduled events.
Parent Information
Will there be a parent viewing area?
Yes, a designated parent viewing area will be provided. Parents are asked to remain in this area and avoid communicating with players during tryouts.
Do parents need to be present at check-in?
Parents can attend check-in, but their presence is not mandatory.
Can parents/guardians drop off their children and leave?
Parents are encouraged to remain on-site or nearby during tryouts.
This FAQ ensures players and parents have a clear understanding of the process and expectations for NJ ODP tryouts. Let us know if you have additional questions!